Operator maturity model captures wide range of Operator setups that are seen in enterprises today. The goal is to offer a set of guidelines for Operator development or curation towards its readiness for complex multi-tenant setups.
We have developed deep expertise on some of the community Operators while evaluating them for our customers or partners using Operator Maturity Model. These Operators include SSL certificate management (cert-manager), Volume backup (stash, Valero), Cassandra (Datastax, Instaclustr), MySQL database (Percona, MariaDB, PressLabs, Oracle), Pod Networking (Multus, Calico), Service Mesh (Istio), CI/CD (JenkinsX), Monitoring (Prometheus) etc. We continue to collaborate with software vendors building Kubernetes Operators for their products. Get in touch if you are interested in certifying or building any Operator for true hybrid multi-cloud readiness.